Uppal Property Market is surrounded by Kaveri Nagar, Shanti Nagar, Kalyanpuri etc. Uppal is a neighbourhood in Hyderabad. The area is a residential as well as commercial area. The transport system is good and the social infrastructure of this area is also well developed.
The real estate of Uppal is gradually improving as days are passing by. There are different types of flats in Uppal of different sizes like 1BHK to 3BHK. There are apartments and independant houses too in Uppal. There are builders in Uppal who are constructing several flats and apartments in this locality
Connectivity with Uppal Property Market
- The distance from Uppal to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is 31.3 km.
- The distance from Uppal to Secunderabad Railway Station is 8.9 km.
- There are several bus stops which help to connect to other places
- Employment hubs near Uppal.
- The distance from Uppal to Begumpet is 13.3 km
- The distance from Uppal to Banjara Hills is 19.2 km.
Reasons to invest in Uppal
Uppal is one of the fastest growing localities of Hyderabad. It is a neighbouring town and the area is close to all the important places. The commercial hubs are close by along with the airport and railway station. The transport system of this area is good and the residents can smoothly travel without facing any hassle. The price range is increasing day by day as the demand for this area increasing among the people. The real investors can invest in this area without thinking of any loss. The demand for residential houses and flats among the middle and upper class strata are increasing. For buying properties Contact us.
Price Trends
The price trend in Uppal since 2016 has been for multi-story apartment and for residential houses. This is because increase in proximity for Schools in Uppal and other social amenities, Shopping malls, Hospitals and Restaurants in Uppal